


「May we ~?」って使う?

結論から言うと「May we ~?」は使う どんな場合に「May we ~?」を使うのか? 「May we ~?」のまとめ 結論から言うと「May we ~?」は使う 英語を勉強していてふと気になったことがあります。 「May I ~?」で「~してもいいですか?」っていう丁寧な聞き方にな…


自分の性格 I am ~. I am a ~ person. I think of myself having a ~ personality. People tell me that I am ~. 性格を表す英単語 【ポジティブな性格を表す英単語】 【ネガティブな性格を表す英単語】 相手がどんな人かを聞く場合 Tell me what kind of pe…


家族のこと(家族構成) We are a family of(人数). There are(人数)in my family. I have(人数)brother(s). I have(人数)sister(s). I have(人数)brother(s) and(人数)sister(s). I have(人数)siblings. I am an only child. I am married. I…


仕事、職業 I work for ~会社名 I work at~会社名 I work in ~ I am a ~ I am in charge of ~ What do you do (for living)? What's your occupation? 出身校、大学 I went to ~ I graduated from ~(学校名) I majored in ~ I didn’t go to ~. Which schoo…


出身地、居住地 I’m from ~ I was born in ~ I was brought up in ~ I grew up in ~ I was born and raised in ~ I used to live in ~ I live in ~ Where are you from? Where in ~? Which part of ~? Whereabouts in ~? 趣味 I like ~ ing I’m interested i…


名前 My name is ~ I am ~ What’s your name? Can I ask your name? May I ask your name? May I have your name please? I didn’t ask your name. 年齢、誕生日 I'm forty. I'm forty years old. I was born on August 11, 1979. I was born in 1979. My bi…


「お元気ですか?」から「うぃーす!」までを英語で表現する How are you (today)? How are you doing? How have you been? How’s everything? How’s everything going? How’s it going? How are things going? What’s going on? What's up? 「お元気です…


親しい人やビジネス、Eメールでの「お久しぶり」 「お久しぶりです。」のいろいろな英語表現 友達など親しい関係に対する「久しぶり」 Long time no see. Long time no talk. It’s been ages. It's been a while. It’s been a long time. ビジネスなどフォー…


「はじめまして」は「Nice to meet you.」以外にもたくさん 「はじめまして」の色々な英語表現 Nice to meet you. How do you do? Glad to meet you.(I'm glad to meet you.) It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m pleased to meet you. I’m honored to meet …